Carus welcomes since 2012 its Carus Excellence Awards in Spain. Ceremony takes place in the gardens of the Hotel Ritz Madrid (now Hotel Wellington Madrid) in the month of June each year to coincide with the General Assembly of the Spanish Shipowners’ Association ANAVE, of which Carus is an Associate Member and Sponsor.
This award is intended solely to highlight the Excellence and Dedication to the maritime sector, and is awarded to the most outstanding professionals in this regard. Previous editions of the Carus Excellence were awarded to the President of ECSA and SUARDIAZ Group, Mr. Juan Riva, and to the President of BALEARIA Group, Mr. Adolfo Utor. The Carus edition of the Excellence Award 2014 went to the Director General of Spanish Merchant Marine, Mr. Rafael Rodriguez Valero. And the latest Carus Excellence Award went to: Mr. Vicente Boluda —President of Boluda Corporation and Carus Excellence AWARD 2015; Mr. Emanuele Grimaldi —CEO of GRIMALDI Group and Carus Excellence Award 2016; Mr. Luis Miguel Sousa —CEO of SOUSA Group and Carus Excellence Award 2017; D. Antonio Armas —President of Naviera ARMAS and TRASMEDITERRANEA, and Carus Excellence Award 2018; Mr. Mike Corrigan —CEO of Interferry and Carus Excellence Award 2019; Mr. Nils Erik Eklund —Member of the Board of Directors of Viking Line and of Interferry, and Carus Excellence Award 2020; and Mr. Alejandro Aznar —President of the Ibaizabal Group, and Carus Excellence Award 2021; Mr. Christophe Mathieu —CEO of Brittany Ferries and Carus Excellence Award 2022; Mr. Ettore Morace, CEO of Trasmed-Grimaldi and Carus Excellence Award 2023; Mr. Benito Nuñez Quintanilla, Secretary General of Maritime & Air Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Spain and Carus Excellence Award 2024.
Carus Excellence
Award 2024
The Spanish Shipowners’ Association, ANAVE, will hold its annual General Assembly on June 2024, with a cocktail event and a gala lunch at the Hotel Wellington, Madrid. The event is co-sponsored by Carus, an ANAVE associate member, and will be attended by the Spanish shipowners as well as maritime and port authorities. There will also be a representation of European maritime delegates, and the Spanish Ministry for Transport will close the assembly. The Carus Excellence Award 2024 will be presented, and this year's recipient, nominated unanimously by the board of Carus Spain: Benito Nuñez, Secretary General of Maritime & Air Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Spain.
JUNE 19, 2024
Private dinner
with the nominee, the President of ANAVE, the CEO of ANAVE and Carus representatives
Hotel Wellington Madrid, June 20, 2022
11.00-12.15 h.
ANAVE Board Meeting (Members only)
12.30-13.15 h.
ANAVE General Assembly (Members only)
13.15-14.00 h.
Cocktail (By invitation only and Sponsored by Carus)
14.00-14.15 h.
Carus Excellence Award Ceremony —2024 Edition
Awarded: Benito Nuñez
14.15 h.
Gala Lunch (By invitation only and Sponsored by Carus)

Benito Nuñez
Excellence Award —2024 Edition, presented each year at the General Assembly of the Spanish Shipowners' Association (ANAVE), Madrid.
Benito Nuñez is a Naval and Ocean Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a civil servant of the Corps of Naval Engineers since 2004.
Benito Núñez has worked as a naval inspector at the Maritime Captaincy of Burela between 2004 and 2005. From 2005 to 2009 he held the positions of director of the Provincial Service in Albacete, deputy assistant director to the General Secretariat and Advisory Member in the Support Unit of the General Mutual Fund for Civil Servants of the State.
In 2009 he was appointed deputy general economic-administrative director of the Infrastructure and Equipment Management of the Ministry of Culture and in 2010 advisor to the Cabinet of the First Vice Presidency of the Government.
Since November 2010 he has worked as a chief advisory member of the Support Unit of the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy and since 2014 he has served as alternate representative of Spain on the Board of Directors of the European Maritime Safety Agency.
In 2018 he was appointed Director General of the Merchant Navy, a position he held until his appointment as Secretary General of Air and Maritime Transport.
Edition 2024

Ceremony of Carus Excellence Award 2024 to Benito Nuñez Quintanilla, Secretary General of Maritime & Air Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Spain, during the Spanish Shipowners’ Association General Assembly -Hotel Wellington Madrid, June 20, 2024.
Benito Nuñez
Carus Excellence Award 2023 to Benito Nuñez —Secretary General of Maritime & Air Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Spain, for his Excellency in the dedication and contribution to the Spanish maritime industry.
Jose Rodriguez —Carus Spain Representative, with Benito Nuñez, and Óscar Puente —Minister of Transport of Spain.
Óscar Puente —Minister of Transport of Spain.
Carus Roundtable with GNV and Trasmed Grimaldi guests.
Previous Editions